Resolution to pay for Wildlife Damage
Raccoon in the Home
S. Thew gave the history of the raccoon incident. At no time were the homeowners led to believe that the responsibility for payment was a cost covered by the Homeowners’ Association.
B. Hartman moved to pay the wildlife removal bill for the homeowner. M Carpentier seconded. Voting as follows: Carpentier – No, Cowles — No, Hartman — No, Lavoie — No, Thew – No. Motion fails.
B. Hartman moved to pay the screening used to repair the raccoon damage. Voting as follows: Carpentier – No, Cowles — No, Hartman — No, Lavoie — No, Thew — N0. Motion fails.
M. Carpentier moved to pay for the repair of the soffit. Voting as follows: Carpentier – Yes, Cowles — Yes, Hartman — Yes, Lavoie – Yes, Thew — Yes. Motion carried.