Backyard Grill Resolution – September 20, 2011

Resolution of the Board at the 9/20/2011 meeting.

Gary proposes a resolution providing that grills and similar cooking devices shall not be allowed for cooking or heating under any overhang, within a garage or porch, or within 10 feet of a building or 3 feet of a fence or any other structure when in use.  This does not prohibit the storage when they are not in use provided they have cooled sufficiently and can be stored with absolute safety.  The use of charcoal grills, hibachis, or other open-burning devices is strongly discouraged. The unit owner, or user of a grill or similar device is absolutely liable and responsible for the use and storage, to all other unit owners and residents, and to the HOA itself.  This language shifts the obligation from the insurance policy and puts it squarely on the shoulders of the unit owner and the person using the grill or device.  They are responsible for the use and storage and shall indemnify other unit owners, residents, and Homeowners Association and Lake Country Village. That’s important because it sorts out very neatly who pays for what if it causes a quad to burn down.  A violation of the policy’s rules and regulations maybe reported to the HOA property manager by any unit owner or resident.  The report should provide the name and address of the violation, a description of the violation, the date, time, and unit number involved, and a description of the person or persons involved.  Upon receiving the report of the violation, the manager shall attempt to contact the party personally and obtain immediate compliance.  If the property manager is unable to contact the person and obtain immediate compliance, the property manager shall notify the Board of Directors in writing, and notify the violator in writing, and impose the fines and penalties specified by the resolution. $100 for first violation; $500 for second violation; $1000 for a third violation. Payment is due within 20 days and, if not made, it gets assessed on HOA dues and then falls under the general collection policy.  Property manager will monitor, investigate, and document all situations involving violations, and maintain records.  In matters involving serious or emergency situations you can disregard time frames.  The owner is strictly liable for compliance, and it becomes effective October 1, 2011, if passed.  This is a recommendation to us from our insurance company. If we do not comply, we risk losing our insurance. Gerry moves to accept.  Maureen seconds. Motion passed.

Communications Committee

Lake Country Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors.

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