Contract Resolutions – 3/19/2013
Resolutions of the LCV Board at the 3/19/2013 meeting.
- Resolution on Landscape Contract. The price is staying the same and the contract is basically the same for $XXXXXX including tax. The board recommends renewing. Gerry made a motion to renew the landscaping contract with Hart’s and Dan Shusda seconded. There was no further discussion. The motion passed. Gary will complete the contract.
- Resolution on Roofing Contract. The board would like to renew with Thomas Construction to replace the roofing on 5 to 8 roofs for 2013. Dan S made the motion to renew with Thomas and Maureen seconded. The motion was passed. Gary has the contract ready and Bob Olsen gave him the list of the 5 to 8 roofs that needed to be completed this year to complete the contract. Bob will contact Thomas to sign the contract when ready.