Contract Resolution – 4/16/2013

Resolution of the LCV Board at the 4/16/2013 meeting.

Resolution on Property Manager Contract.  The property manager position is up on May 15, 2013. The property manager committee placed an ad for the position; received 14 responses; work details were sent out; 7 replied back with offers.  The committee reviewed the responses; 2 were selected for interviews and one candidate for the position was selected. The bid from the Whitbeck Associates for $36,000 was accepted by the committee. The committee makes this recommendation to the board that they accept this offer for one year, with a renewable option at the same price next year. There will be overlap with the current property manager. Those in attendance expressed their appreciation for the work that Bob Olsen has done this past year. LCV is truly grateful for his service to LCV this past year. Gerry made the motion to accept Whitbeck Associates for the new property manager at a fee of $36,000.  Maureen seconded the motion. The motion passed with 1 abstention. Gary asked the attendees not to pass this information along until we have a signed contract that Gary will prepare.        

Communications Committee

Lake Country Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors.

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