Sewer Repair Resolution — 4/16/2013
Resolution of the LCV Board at the 4/16/2013 meeting.
Resolution on ‘Benching’ some sewer lines. We have a proposal for fixing the sewer problems at 27 Maine Road. Bob Olsen described the problems that need to be repaired on two manholes. The owners were in attendance to give us the history and background of the problem. W. Cashman made a motion to accept the estimate from Roto-Rooter to fix both of the manholes problems at a cost of around $4045. Gerry seconded the motion. The motion was passed by all. The owner asked that a past bill be paid by the HOA as well. A copy of the bill was given to the board for consideration at a later time. The homeowners in attendance were again notified that they should call the property manager first, then call a plumber to fix any problems. This way the property manager would be able to work with the plumber to understand and fix the problem in a proper manner.