Elections Resolutions – 5/14/2013

Resolutions of the LCV Board at the 5/14/2013 meeting.

  • Election of one Board member. Gerry E. cast one vote as HOA secretary for Maureen Carlo to be on the board for another two years.
  • Open Board positions. The Board has received letters of two persons who wish to volunteer to serve on the board. They are Joe Roberts and Henry Ward. Dan Shusda made a motion to add these two individuals to the board to fill open board seats. Maureen Carlo seconded the motion. The motion was passed by all.
  • Realignment of the Board. Maureen made a motion to recommend that D. Shusda become Board President, Sue Phillips to be Board Vice President, Gerry Eagan to be HOA secretary, and Joe Roberts to serve as Board Treasurer. Gerry E. seconded the motion. The board all passed the motion.


Communications Committee

Lake Country Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors.

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