Renter Resolution – 10/15/2013
Resolution of the LCV Board at the 10/15/2013 meeting.
Resolution on the definition of the term “renter”. The following definition of a renter, proposed by Gary, was read by Dan. The definition of ”renter” for purposes of Article VII, Section 1, of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Easements and Restrictions shall be: “any occupant of a unit (whether or not money is actually paid), other than the titled owner of the unit (as reflected on the recorded deed to the unit), except the parent, grandparent, child or grandchild of the titled owner(s) shall NOT be considered a “renter”. Discussion continued among the board members and some of those in attendance. A motion was made to accept this statement as the definition of a renter and seconded. The motion was passed by a 4 to 3 vote.