Contract Resolutions – 2/18/2014
Resolutions of the LCV Board at the 2/18/2014 meeting.
- Resolution on roofing contract. Dan recommended that we do the next 5 roofs that need to be replaced . Adam has reviewed the recent repairs and roof leaks in determining which roofs need to be replaced next. Adam has received a quote from Curtis lumber for the next 5 roofs. G. Eagan made a motion to accept the new roofing contract and J. Roberts and H. Ward seconded. The motion was passed by all.
- Resolution on landscaping contract. Contract was reviewed by the landscaping committee and Sue stated that Hart’s has agreed to the same contract at the same price. G Egan mentioned that the contract is for a full year even though the payments are over a 6 month period. Adam stated Hart’s has been good at continuing the fall clean up and trimming work after the Nov 15th date. M Carlo made a motion to proceed with the contract as written and H. Ward accepted. The motion was passed by all.