Contract Resolutions – 4/15/2014
Resolutions of the LCV Board at the 4/15/2014 meeting.
- Resolution on contract for the maintenance of the Baltimore pump station. We received a quote for $1458 to inspect quarterly and maintain the pump station from Roto-Rooter. They have been providing reports to the Board last year and will continue to do this if approved. The contract is payable quarterly after the completed inspection. S. Phillips made a motion to continue the contract with Roto-Rooter with quarterly payments of $364.50. M. Carlo seconded the motion. The motion passed.
- Resolution on contract to repair and install new piping in the sewer at 27 Maine. The quote is $2030 for all the work to be performed. G. Eagan made the motion to have the work performed by Roto-Rooter for $2030 and H. Ward seconded. The motion passed.