Deck Resolution – 9/16/2014

Resolutions of the LCV Board at the 9/16/2014 meeting.

Resolution on deck construction at 35-37 Maine.  After some discussion the board members agreed that based on the statements of the property manager and one of the owners that a violation to LCV HOA rules was made.  A motion was made to accept these findings but not rule on what type of violation fee will be assessed until a later meeting. As stated by our attorney there is a larger issue as to what degree the village wants to allow homeowners to make different kinds of changes on the outside of their units. The board wanted to hear back from the village owners first through a survey that would be sent out shortly. The motion was made by G. Eagan and seconded by J. Roberts. The motion passed with 4 yes and one abstention.

Communications Committee

Lake Country Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors.

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