Work Request (Building Committee) – 6/16/2015
Resolutions of the LCV Board at the 6/16/2015 meeting.
- Resolution on Work Request for 37 Maine Road — Homeowner requested to change the area to her front landscape area. There was concern about future sewer problems if cement was allowed in the landscaped area. The homeowner stated that they know that they would be responsible for part of the cost if a sewer problem occurred. A motion was made by H. Ward to approve of the request and P. Hayden seconded. The motion was passed by 4 yeas, 1 nay, and 1 abstention.
- Resolution on Work Request for 74 Maine Road — A stained glass attachment to the homeowners back fence to assist with privacy. Discussion took place with concern about the next door renters children infringing on his privacy. A motion was made by P. Hayden to approve the work request and seconded by T. Maglienti. The motion was passed by all. A second motion to fine the owner $50 for not first submitting a work request to grant to alteration to the fence was made by G. Eagan and seconded by H. Ward. The motion was passed by a 5-1 vote.