Committee Resolutions – 7/21/2015

Resolutions of the LCV Board at the 7/21/2015 meeting.

Resolution on  Beautification, Utility, and Communication Committees Descriptions. T. Maglienti explained that he wanted to help provide more information to the homeowners and to provide a path for the homeowners to contact the board. He read a list of proposed duties of the Communication and Utilities committees. H. Ward made a motion to accept the two new committees and G. Eagan seconded. The motion was passed 4-0 with two abstentions. The sign-up sheets for the committees will be available at each meeting at the attendees sign in table. G. Eagan also stated that there is a new definition for the beautification committee as well. Gerry read the updated description for the beautification committee. A sign-up sheet will be on the attendee sign in table as well.


Resolution on updated Committee Descriptions list. G. Eagan stated that the board has been reviewing the list of descriptions for the committees. The board approved the updated list and it will be updated on the HOA website.

Communications Committee

Lake Country Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors.

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