Work Requests (Building Committee) – 8/18/2015
Resolutions of the LCV Board at the 8/18/2015 meeting.
- Resolution on request from 33 Maryland to install a 30 inch wide by 54 inch tall garage window. Some discussion regarding the size of the window by the board took place. P. Hayden made a motion to approve the request and T. Maglienti seconded. The motion passed 5-1.
- Resolution on request from 82 Maryland Rd to move old and install a new Storm Door. Some discussion by the board took place. This was combined with WR 527 below for a bathroom exhaust fan to be installed. T. Maglienti made a motion to approve both requests and P. Hayden seconded. The motion was passed by all.
- Resolution on modified request by 74 Maine Road to install slats in their fence and paint. Homeowner wanted to paint the outside gray and the inside brown. The board thought that the brown would show. P. Hayden made an amended motion to grant the request but paint both sides grey. S. Phillips seconded. The motion was passed by all.