Website Management Investigation Resolution – 1/19/16

Resolution of the LCV Board at the 1/19/16 meeting.

Resolutions related to investigation of past website management issue. Tom brought up a proposed letter to have the website development and support issue checked into and proposed an independent review of this past problem so that we can learn from it and prevent it from happening again. Tom read the proposal letter to the board and attendees. Tom asked that the board consider this motion to conduct the review using the guidelines so stated. Gerry recommended that one of the goals be to provide a report to the board about their findings. Under accomplishments and goals Gerry stated that item 2 be removed from the proposal regarding obtaining additional members to the committee. B. Turek seconded the motion as revised and agreed to by Tom. The revised proposal will be attached to the board minutes on the website. Discussion took place. Gary entered the discussion and stated that he had been reviewing this matter gaining information from the board, others and Maureen when she was available. Gary read a letter he proposed to the board regarding the matter in response to the board asking him to look into the matter. His letter will be attached the minutes on the website. Some of the board thought that this answered some of the immediate concerns regarding this issue. Discussion on the HOA By—Laws was also brought up and Gary stated that the By-Laws made up by the developers was very limited and not detailed. That is why the HOA board has been creating resolutions to more clearly define problem areas. More discussion took place. The board voted on Tom’s motion for the independent audit to review the website issue. The board voted 4-2 against the motion.

After Gary Favro’s report was read (attached to website minutes) Gerry made a motion to accept his report and Bob T. seconded. The motion was passed by all.

The proposals and reports are attached to the minutes for 1/19/16.


Communications Committee

Lake Country Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors.

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