Website Resolutions – 2/16/16

Resolutions of the LCV Board at the 2/16/16 meeting.

  • Resolution for the Communications Committee to Maintain the LCV Website.  James Armstrong had presented the board with a proposed budget for maintaining the LCV website. Tom Maglienti made a motion to accept the Communication Committee proposal to take over the LCV website responsibilities. H. Ward seconded. They would establish a new website and eventually abolish the old website. The current website will still be kept and maintained until the new one is ready for testing and approval. After some discussion the board voted 4-1 on the motion.  Actual proposal is attached to the January minutes.
  • Resolution was proposed to have M. Carlo continue to support and maintain the current LCV website at a fee of $150 a month until a new website has been created and is ready for use by the Communication Committee and the homeowners.  Gerry E. made the motion and Tom. M. seconded.  The board voted 5-0 to approve the motion.

Communications Committee

Lake Country Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors.

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