2017-18 Election of Officers Resolutions – May 9, 2017

Resolution of the Board at the May 9, 2017 meeting.

Patty stated that there was only one nomination for each of the positions of Secretary and Treasurer so no election for these officers was needed.  Don Cosgro has agreed to remain as Secretary and Tom Maglienti has agreed to remain as Treasurer. Patty asked if there were any directors interested in other offices.  Peter Hayden said he would interested in the positions of President or Vice President under the condition that the current Property Manager and Bookkeeper Contractors be re-instated.  Since the award of these contracts is scheduled for later in the agenda there was discussion about the possibility of postponing the election until after the vote on the Contracts.  Motion by Linda Turner to postpone the election of officers until later in the agenda; seconded by Peter Hayden.  During discussion the motion was amended to postone the election of President and Vice President until later in the agenda after the vote on the Property Manager Contract.  Passed 6-0.  Motion by Peter to appoint Don and Tom to the positions of Secretary and Treasurer respectively; seconded by Linda Turner; passed 6-0.

Following action on the Property Manager and Bookkeeper contracts, motion was made by Tom Maglienti to appoint Patty Jaehn for another term as President of the Board; seconded by Don Cosgro; passed by a vote of 5-0 and 1 abstention (Peter).   Since no one accepted a nomination for Vice President, there will be no Vice President appointed at this time.

Communications Committee

Lake Country Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors.

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