Placards – 2/20/18
Resolution by Board for Placard responsibilities – 2/20/18
1) The HOA will undertake improvements to the buildings at its cost and expense by
a. Removing the existing placards, light fixtures and house numbers over the garage doors.
b. Installing an appropriate mounting block (plinth) with integral electrical box directly to the building side.
c. Original globe type fixtures and placards shall be discarded.
d. Install a light fixture on the new mounting block.
e. Purchase new house numbers (or re use existing) and install them over the unit-side corner of the garage door.
f. It is understood this will be a multi-year phased project based on current and future budget allocations.
Current FY budget amount of $10,000 will be used for the first phase.
2) In order to assure uniform appearance of the buildings, the HOA shall assume the future responsibility for maintenance and replacement of said garage light fixtures (with the exception of bulb replacement).
Motion by: Linda Turner Seconded by: Don Miller
Vote carried 5-0