Homeowners Work Requests – 6/8/20
Resolution by Board to approve work requests – 6/8/20
65 Maine request to replace garage door; motion by Tom to allow replacement of garage door, 2nd by Don. All Board members voted in favor – motion passed.
52 Maryland requests to replace window with same style of window. Approved by PM.
82 Maryland requests to extend pavers; motion by Peter to allow request 2nd by Mike. All Board members voted in favor. Motion passed.
23 Iowa requested to remove shrub and replace door. Request to remove shrub sent to landscaping committee. Request to replace door approved by PM.
42 Maryland had requested to have a Crab Apple Tree removed that was to close to her
residence Request was sent to Landscape Committee with no response. Peter informed board that he had seen the tree in question and it should be removed. Peter made motion to have Tree removed. Randy 2nd motion. All in favor of motion. Motion passed.
15 Massachusetts requested to extend her garden. Motion by Tom to approve request 2nd By Peter. All in favor. Motion passed.