Board set to act on Declaration Document

The Board of Directors is ready to act on a comprehensive policy document intended to bring clarity and consistency to interpretations of ambiguous language contained in our Declaration. Please note: The Declaration itself is not changed by this document. Any modifications to the Declaration must be approved by 90% of the Members.

This document which was borne out of discussions over a number of issues, has been in development for some time with board members spanning several terms participating in Committee of the Whole sessions to hash out the details. It is hoped that this policy will result in faster, more consistent and less arbitrary interpretations of the Declaration in the area of maintenance responsibilities of the HOA vs those required to be performed by the homeowner. It has been reviewed by both our attorney and our insurance representative.

Much of what is contained in this policy just sets down in writing past interpretations. However there are some changes as well and once approved, all homeowners are encouraged to read and print out a copy for future reference, keeping it with your copy of the Declaration. It will also be available in it’s approved form on this website.

To review a draft of the policy, which will be on the agenda for the December 14th meeting, click here.

Your Communications Committee

Communications Committee

Lake Country Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors.

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