Approval to pay for printing – 5/8/18
Resolution by Board to approve payment for mandatory mailing – 5/8/18 Mandatory mailing: Motion by Tom and seconded by Randy to approve up to $700 for printing and postage for the mandatory mailing. All...
Providing a well-maintained community with sound fiscal management and open communications.
Resolution by Board to approve payment for mandatory mailing – 5/8/18 Mandatory mailing: Motion by Tom and seconded by Randy to approve up to $700 for printing and postage for the mandatory mailing. All...
Resolution by Board to approve payment for postage – 4/3/18 Motion by Linda and seconded by Randy to reimburse Patty $10.00 for postage to mail letters for the toilet rebate program. All in favor.
Resolution by Board to deny FHA application – 2/6/18 FHA Approval Request: The board had received a request from one homeowner asking us to apply for FHA approval in order that they may apply...
Resolution by Board on Snow Removal Route – 2/6/18 Snow Removal: The board discussed the plowing route and when to plow the cul-de-sacs, as they are our responsibility. Motion by Linda and seconded by...
Resolution by Board to amend Toilet Rebate Program – 1/23/18 Toilet Rebate Motion amended: Tom made motion and Don seconded to add “no one in arrears”. Corrected motion now reads, Toilet Rebate Program to...
Resolution by the Board to approve expenses for paper supplies – 1/23/18 Reimbursement: Motion by Tom to reimburse Patty $8.95 for paper and $24.61 for ink to print Toilet Rebate flyers. Don seconded. Approved...
Resolution of the Board at the 1/9/18 meeting A motion was made by Linda and seconded by Tom to accept the updated election procedures. All voted in favor.
Hello Homeowners! We have been advised that Hart’s Landscaping will be returning tomorrow morning (January 9th) around 9am to do another clean out. Thank you to all who replied to our first ever attempt...
Hello fellow homeowners! Just a quick note to let you know that Hart’s Landscaping is in the village this morning (January 8) to do a complete clean out. He began at about 9 am....
Here is the latest Newsletter from your Communications Committee!