Transfer of money by Treasurer – 2/13/2023
Resolution by Board to allow Treasurer to determine money transfer – 2/13/2023 Motion made by Melissa and seconded by Dave to allow Treasurer to make decision on where to set our money to maximize...
Providing a well-maintained community with sound fiscal management and open communications.
Resolution by Board to allow Treasurer to determine money transfer – 2/13/2023 Motion made by Melissa and seconded by Dave to allow Treasurer to make decision on where to set our money to maximize...
Resolution by Board to revise Retention Policy – 1/9/2023 Tom made a motion and Dave seconded to approve revision to policy to streamline files so board can dispose of old files when time comes....
Resolution by Board to make changes to Records Retention Policy – 8/8/2022 Motion made by Tom and seconded by Kathy to approve changes to Record Retention Policy. Motion carried.
Resolution by Board to grant access to Ahtna Engineering via Air Force, to monitor well – 12/13/2021 Resolution was passed (per reservation in LCV deed) and signed letter sent back to Air Force.
Resolution by Board to approve payment to Alexander Edwards for tax returns and Annual Review – 2/24/20 Tom made the motion, seconded by Peter, to pay Alexander Edwards the amount of $2000.00, partial payment,...
Resolution by Board to approve 2019-2020 Budget – 4/16/2019 Chris made a motion to accept the 2019-2020 Budget and Randy seconded. All voted in favor.
Resolution by Board to pay Alexander Edwards for final account review – 3/5/19 Tom made a motion to pay Alexander Edwards $1160.79 for the final account review. Randy seconded the motion. All in favor....
Resolution by Board to move files to non-climate controlled storage unit – 12/4/18 Tom checked pricing for non-climate control unit, $50 a month. We are now paying $85 for climate control. Tom made a...
Resolution by Board to sign contract with Alexander & Edwards for Annual Review – 10/2/18 Motion by Randy and seconded by Linda to authorize President, Peter Hayden to sign letter employing Alexander & Edwards...
Resolution by Board to pay AES Northeast to review reserve account – 10/2/18 Our accounting firm has requested we review and update the estimates on our reserve accounts which must be done by a...