Baltimore Pump Station – 3/8/21
Resolution to Board to pay Bob’s Instant Plumbing for Baltimore Pump Station services – 3/8/21 Motion by Tom to pay $1607 to Bob’s Instant Plumbing for services provided at the Baltimore Pump Station. Randy...
Providing a well-maintained community with sound fiscal management and open communications.
Resolution to Board to pay Bob’s Instant Plumbing for Baltimore Pump Station services – 3/8/21 Motion by Tom to pay $1607 to Bob’s Instant Plumbing for services provided at the Baltimore Pump Station. Randy...
Resolution by Board to establish a motion protocol for Property Managers Reports – 1/25/21 Tom suggested that property managers report be accepted by a motion. Tom made motion to accept Property Managers Report; seconded...
Resolution by Board to return Kiosk lights and have kiosks hard wired – 12/14/20 Mike made motion to return kiosk lighting to company (Handy Hut) as it is not working properly and to have...
Resolution by Board to approve landscaping/snow removal contract – 12/14/20 Landscape/snow removal contract for Hart’s discussed. Tom made a motion to accept the language of the contract as modified by previous committee as a...
Resolution by Board to approve emergency repair/replacement of plugged sewer pipe – 10/12/20 29 Maine has plugged pipe from tree roots. Tom made a motion to have Garrow’s replace/repair sewer pipe as an emergency....
Resolution by Board to approve removal of hazardous trees – 9/14/20 Discussion on 3 trees that need to be cut down as they are deemed a hazard. Two on Maine and one on Iowa...
Resolution by Board to approve payment of office supplies for bookkeeper – 8/10/20 Invoice for $91.00 for office supplies: Motion by Peter to reimburse Anne $91.00 for office supplies, seconded by Mike. All in...
Resolution by Board to approve expenses for curb removal by Garrows and for newsletter printing – 7/13/20 Tom Indicated that newsletter costs were slightly higher. Randy made motion, seconded by Mike to approve cost...
Resolution by Board to approve resolution on uncontested expenses and items that property manager can approve without board – 7/13/20 Motion by Tom and seconded by Linda to accept resolution for routine, emergency, legal...
Resolution by Board to approve increase in cost of curbing removal due to change in scope of work – 7/13/20 Curtis explained the revised quote from Garrow of $3960 for 2 curbs (each location)...