Fence Instructions
Hello Homeowners! The fence project will be completed soon and it’s time to look ahead at keeping the new fences looking their best. Although the HOA is responsible for fence maintenance and replacement, you...
Providing a well-maintained community with sound fiscal management and open communications.
Hello Homeowners! The fence project will be completed soon and it’s time to look ahead at keeping the new fences looking their best. Although the HOA is responsible for fence maintenance and replacement, you...
The City has issued the following notice regarding paving of Kansas Ave. They have notified us that residents of BOTH Kansas Ave. and Iowa Street should park any vehicle they may need to use...
Hello homeowners, Work is currently underway by Luck Builders, Inc., under contract with the HOA, to replace the water lines in the three cul de sacs of Baltimore, Alana and Caitlin Ways. Nearby homes...
Resolution by Board to hold Village wide Garage Sale on July 8, 9 and 10 this year – 4/25/2022 Randy made motion to have Village wide Garage sale on July 8th, 9th, and 10th....
Resolution by Board to deny advertising – 11/8/2021 Motion was made by Tom to deny allowing advertising and seconded by Ron. All in favor. Motion passed.
TIME TO SHUT OFF WATER TO OUTSIDE FAUCETS! Greetings, LCV homeowners! Well the days are growing shorter, and colder… we are already experiencing frost, and soon we will have days and nights that are...
Hello Homeowners! There is a proposal before the City to construct 16 Townhouse style units on the vacant property bounded by Kansas, Kentucky and New York Rd. The proposal is shown below.
To sign this petition please click here!
Resolution by Board to approve monies for printing of newsletter – 9/14/20 Tom indicted that the newsletter is in the process of being written and needs any articles in by first week of October....
Resolution by Board to approve expenses for curb removal by Garrows and for newsletter printing – 7/13/20 Tom Indicated that newsletter costs were slightly higher. Randy made motion, seconded by Mike to approve cost...