Roof repairs/replacements – 8/8/2022
Resolution by Board to approve replacement/repairs to 123 Maine, 12 Maryland, 42 Maryland and 35/37 Maine – 8/8/2022 Motion by Tom and seconded by Linda to replace 35/37 Maine and 123 Maine and to...
Providing a well-maintained community with sound fiscal management and open communications.
Resolution by Board to approve replacement/repairs to 123 Maine, 12 Maryland, 42 Maryland and 35/37 Maine – 8/8/2022 Motion by Tom and seconded by Linda to replace 35/37 Maine and 123 Maine and to...
Resolution to table the fine for the new window until 10/1/2022 – 8/8/2022 Motion by Tom and seconded by Dave to table the fine, since the window is on order and to be installed...
Resolution by Board to take money out of reserve to pay for roof repairs – 7/11/2022 Money will be taken out of reserves to pay for roof repairs at 35-37 Maine and 42 Maryland....
Resolution by Board to “table the fine” until 8/1/2022 – 6/27/2022 Fine for window at 1 Caitlin discussed. Homeowner indicated that she is awaiting contractor to come to get her window in compliance. Would...
Resolution by Board to reimburse contractor for ceiling repairs at 33 Maryland – 6/13/2022 33 Maryland: Peter made motion to reimburse the contractor who made repairs at 33 Maryland the sum of $1190, for...
Resolution by Board to approve Change Order #3 for roof repairs – 5/9/2022 Tom made motion for Change Order #3 for New Image Roofing to make miscellaneousrepairs for roof leaks, for next fiscal year...
Resolution by Board to approve request to install retractable awning – 5/9/2022 Owner at 29 Kansas requested to install a retractable awning. Randy made motion to allow theretractable awning to be installed by a...
Resolution by Board to approve invoice of $1,375 from New Image Roofing – 4/25/2022 Tom made motion to Authorize payment of $1375 to New Image Roofing for work done on 10 Maryland. Mike seconded...
Resolution by Board to replace the lower half of the roof at 57 Maryland – 4/25/2022 Received quote from New Image Roofing of $16,500 for replacement of lower section and $40,000 for entire roof....
Resolution by Board to deny full reimbursement to homeowner for painting – 4/11/2022 Tom made a motion that was seconded by Melissa to deny reimbursement for both ceiling and bedroom paint and request homeowner...