Spot painting specs – 12/9/19
Resolution by Board to approve specs for spot painting – 12/9/19 Peter made a motion, seconded by Randy, to accept the spot painting specs Tom presented to the board. All voted in favor. It...
Providing a well-maintained community with sound fiscal management and open communications.
Resolution by Board to approve specs for spot painting – 12/9/19 Peter made a motion, seconded by Randy, to accept the spot painting specs Tom presented to the board. All voted in favor. It...
Resolution by Board to approve revised Work Request procedure – 12/9/19 Tom made a motion, seconded by Peter, to accept the Revised Work Request Procedure and the two-sided form. All voted in favor.
Resolution by Board to rescind 5/12/15 document on coverage responsibilities – 11/11/19 Motion by Peter, seconded by Randy, to rescind the document of May 12, 2015, at the advice of our attorney, Tom Murnane...
Resolution by Board to pay Garrow & Sons for pouring kiosk cement pads – 11/11/19 A motion by Peter and seconded by Mike to pay Garrow & Sons $9455.00 for pouring three cement pads...
Resolution by Board to approve payment for mail kiosks installation – 11/11/19 Motion by Randy and seconded by Linda to pay Curtis $7431.19 for assembling and placing of the four kiosks. All voted in...
Resolution by Board to authorize Curtis to repair roof leak – 10/28/19 Roof leak at 43 Maine – Discussion on how to handle. Motion made by Tom to have Curtis make one attempt to...
Resolution by Board to approve invoices for sewer backup and repair of roof leak charges – 10/28/19 Invoice Approvals – the following invoices were submitted to the board by Curtis17 Maryland – HO reimbursement...
Resolution by Board Clinton County has expressed an interest. Tom made a motion to sell the old units for $1 to any party who will remove them at their expense. Seconded by Peter. All...
Resolution by Board to approve payment to owner for ceiling repair due to roof leak – 10/14/19 Motion by Tom, Linda seconded, to pay homeowner at 10 Maryland, $864.00 for ceiling repair due to...
Resolution by Board to approve hiring of Adams Brothers for spot painting – 10/14/19 A quote was received from Adams Brothers for spot painting, $50 for scraping and $300 for two coats of paint....