Village Wide Garage Sale – 4/25/2022
Resolution by Board to hold Village wide Garage Sale on July 8, 9 and 10 this year – 4/25/2022 Randy made motion to have Village wide Garage sale on July 8th, 9th, and 10th....
Providing a well-maintained community with sound fiscal management and open communications.
Resolution by Board to hold Village wide Garage Sale on July 8, 9 and 10 this year – 4/25/2022 Randy made motion to have Village wide Garage sale on July 8th, 9th, and 10th....
Resolution by Board to renew G-Suite email for $166.27 – 1/10/2022 Motion made by Tom and seconded by Randy to approve renewal of G-Suite email for $166.27. Motion passed.
Resolution by board to approve sample ballot format for the fence vote – 8/23/21 Tom presented two sample ballots for the voting on the fencing. Randy made motion to use the second ballot, which...
Resolution by Board to approve purchase of signs to announce upcoming fence vote and to use EZ-Vote Services – 8/23/21 Motion made by Tom to purchase temporary signs for a total of $200 to...
Resolution to purchase three (3) bulletin boards for kiosks – 7/12/21 Tom made motion to purchase 3 exterior, outside grade, weather tight, bulletin boards at a cost of approximately $800 apiece and to be...
Resolution by Board to renew Web-Ex account for potential future meetings – 6/7/21 Tom made motion to renew Web-Ex in the event we would have to go back to virtual meetings in the future....
Resolution by Board to hold a village wide Yard Sale in July – April 26, 2021 Motion by Tom to have a village wide garage sale July 9-11, 2021 unless State, City or Health...
Resolution by Board to approve monies for printing of newsletter – 9/14/20 Tom indicted that the newsletter is in the process of being written and needs any articles in by first week of October....
Resolution by Board to approve expenses for mandatory mailing – 5/25/20 Tom received two prices for printing, postage, and labels for the mandatory mailing. Color printing is $870.00 and black & white $350.00. Motion...
Resolution by Board to approve payment for printing of newsletter fees, Garrows for sewer work and drain cleanout – 2/10/20 Tom made the motion, seconded by Randy, to approve $324.48 for copying and postage...