Tree trimming – 10/14/19
Resolution by Board to approve tree trimming at 40 Kansas – 10/14/19 Peter made a motion to have Harts trim the tree at 40 Kansas, remove the burning bush and relocate the two spruce...
Providing a well-maintained community with sound fiscal management and open communications.
Resolution by Board to approve tree trimming at 40 Kansas – 10/14/19 Peter made a motion to have Harts trim the tree at 40 Kansas, remove the burning bush and relocate the two spruce...
Resolution by Board to approve hiring of Adams Brothers for spot painting – 10/14/19 A quote was received from Adams Brothers for spot painting, $50 for scraping and $300 for two coats of paint....
Resolution by Board to approve payment to Alexander Edwards and printing supplies – 9/16/19 Tom made a motion to pay $216.00 to Alexander Edward to file tax return extensions. Randy seconded. All voted in...
Resolution by Board to approve monies to install cement pads for Kiosks – 9/16/19 Peter made a motion to hire the appropriate personnel to install four cement pads and advise the board of the...
Resolution by Board to have sewer line camera-ed at 17 Maryland – 9/2/19 Peter made a motion to authorize up to $350.00 to have the line camera-ed. The motion was seconded by Linda and...
Resolution by Board to authorize monies for sewer repair at 56 Maine – 9/2/19 Peter made motion to authorize up to $7500.00 for Garrows to do sewer repair at 56 Maine. Homeowner to be...
Resolution by Board to approve payment of new sewer line at 8 Maine – 9/2/19 Peter made a motion approving up to $3500.00, original was $3291.00 from Garrows, for them to replace the sewer...
Resolution by Board to make payment to Handi-Hut for kiosks – 8/19/19 Tom made a motion to pay the remaining balance, including the shipping, of $17280.00 to Handi- Hut for the kiosks. Randy seconded....
Resolution by Board to approve expenditure for subservice drain and raising of outside doors – 8/19/19 97 Maryland: Tom made a motion to authorize Curtis to spend $625.00 to Harts for installation of subservice...
Resolution by Board to hire Garrows for sewer problem – 8/5/19 56 Maine: Peter made a motion to hire Garrows to fix recurring sewer problem at 56 Maine. Motion was seconded by Randy. All...