Category: Outside Storage
Resolution by Board to enforce visual appearance rules of village – 3/13/2023 Tom made a motion and Linda seconded to enforce visual appearance rules as stated in the Declaration. All in favor. Motion passed.
Resolution by Board to fine owner $50/day if debris is not removed – 1/10/2022 Peter made a motion and Ron seconded to begin fining owner, if debris is not removed by 1/16/22. Motion passed.
Resolution by board to approve initiation of a fine for non-compliance of garbage can storage – 5/22/18 Peter composed a letter notifying homeowners that we are initiating a fine for noncompliance of garbage cans,...
Hello Homeowners! We would like to remind you of one of those many rules and regulations that are on the books but rarely looked at that you might have forgotten or possibly not even...
Resolution of the LCV Board at the 8/19/2014 meeting. Resolution on placing discarded items on HOA property. People can still place items on the city property between the city sidewalk and the curb. Cul-de-sacs...
Resolution on Establishing Rules and Regulations for Enforcing Sections 12 and 14 of the Declaration regarding Outside Storage, Oversized, Commercial or Unlicensed Vehicles on HOA property. Gary presented the board with this resolution. The...