Fire Hydrants – Alana and Caitlin – 4/17/07
Resolution by Board to authorize towing of any cars that block access to fire hydrants – 4/17/07 P. Chmura made a motion to authorize towing of any cards that block access to the fire...
Providing a well-maintained community with sound fiscal management and open communications.
Resolution by Board to authorize towing of any cars that block access to fire hydrants – 4/17/07 P. Chmura made a motion to authorize towing of any cards that block access to the fire...
Resolution by Board to grant extension for car to be moved at 6 Maine Road – 3/20/06 R. Montefusco made a motion and M. Cowles seconded to grant an extension for the removal of...
Resolution by Board to drop request to city regarding on street parking – 7/17/2004 M. Carpenter made a motion and DD seconded. All in favor. Motion passed.