Definition of “Owner” change – 5/10/21
Resolution by Board to amend the term “Owner” in the Rental Rules – 5/10/21 Tom made motion to amend the wording in the rental resolution to read as follows:THEREFORE, only in the application of...
Providing a well-maintained community with sound fiscal management and open communications.
Resolution by Board to amend the term “Owner” in the Rental Rules – 5/10/21 Tom made motion to amend the wording in the rental resolution to read as follows:THEREFORE, only in the application of...
Attention homeowners who rent your property! The City of Plattsburgh recently passed a local law requiring certain rental property within the City to be registered with them. While most rental properties are likely not...
Resolution by Board to grant amnesty period for owners to provide tenant information – 1/25/21 Owners have a requirement to provide the HOA with the information on their tenants. Tom made motion to grant...
Resolution by Board to issue reminder letter to owners regarding obligations – 10/16/18 Chris composed a letter reminding homeowners of their obligation to inform and update the board regarding contact information for their rental...
Resolution of the LCV Board at the 8/19/2014 meeting. Rental issue of 72 Maryland. The owner died around 4 years ago. HOA fees have been paid and kept up to date by the new...
Resolution of the LCV Board at the 10/15/2013 meeting. Resolution on the definition of the term “renter”. The following definition of a renter, proposed by Gary, was read by Dan. The definition of ”renter”...
Resolution of the Board at the 9/17/2013 meeting. Discussion of a possible ‘renter’ resolution to define more clearly what a renter is in LCV. Gary gave the audience and the board some information on...
Resolution of the LCV Board at the 6/18/2013 meeting. Resolution on the Rental Policy. Gary Favro asked that we pass our rental policy resolution so that we have an agreed upon a policy for...
Rental 11/5/2009