Rental Resolution – 11/5/09
Rental 11/5/2009
Providing a well-maintained community with sound fiscal management and open communications.
Rental 11/5/2009
Resolution by Board to install permanent signs regarding “rules” at tennis courts and playgrounds – 9/15/09 Motion made and passed to install permanent signs at the tennis courts and playgrounds on rules.
Parking Resolution 1/21/2009
There are only 48 Units that are involved. A meeting will be held with those units to discuss the enforcement policy as follows: If there is a violation = owner to owner to resolve...
Resolution by Board to no longer charge for Rules Book – 7/15/08 Motion made and passed to no longer charge for Rules and Regulation Book.
Resolution by Board to authorize towing for cars parked on common area – 12/18/07 W. Chmura made a motion and E. Cogan seconded to authorize cars to be towed, when parking in common area....
Resolution by Board to authorize towing of any cars that block access to fire hydrants – 4/17/07 P. Chmura made a motion to authorize towing of any cards that block access to the fire...
Resolution by Board to adopt rules for “Open Sessions” – 2/20/07 P. Chmura made a motion and S. Thew seconded to accept the revised rules for “Open Sessions”. Motion carried.
Resolution by Board to remove all billing for over water usage – 2/20/07 Water Usage Policy has been established and a motion was made by B. Hartman to . Vote was 3 to 2...