Category: Rules and Regulations
Resolution to issue letters for all illegal satellite dishes – 11/21/06 W. Chmura motioned and B. Hartman seconded that a letter be sent to all homeowners with illegal satellite dishes to resolve placement with...
Resolution by Board on damage done to HOA Property – 11/21/06 M. Carpentier motioned that we make the homeowner responsible for any damages done to HOA Property, along with a fine. W. Chmura seconded....
Resolutions by Board to accept various changes to the regulations booklet and forward to attorney for review – 7/18/06 Several motions made. See minutes of 7/18/06 for carried/failed motions. Booklet to be forwarded to...
Resolution by Board to accept the amendment to the By Laws – 6/12/06 B. Hartman made a motion and R. Cowles seconded to approve the amendment to the By Laws. Motion carried.
Resolution by Board to approve By Laws Revision – 4/18/06 M. Cowles made a motion and K. Malhorn seconded to accepted the revisions to the by laws with corrections made by S. Thew and...
Resolution by Board to include a reminder in newsletter regarding leaving garbage cans out – 4/18/06 M. Carpentier made a motion and M. Cowles seconded, to issue a reminder to homeowners that garbage cans...
Resolution by Board to table By Laws Discussion – 3/20/06 R. Montefusco motioned with S. Thew seconding that the “By Laws” Discussion be tabled. Motion passed.
Resolution by Board to drop request to city regarding on street parking – 7/17/2004 M. Carpenter made a motion and DD seconded. All in favor. Motion passed.