Cul de sacs water project bill – 11/14/2022
Resolution by Board to liquefy CDs or borrow from savings at Meadows Bank to pay for water project – 11/14/2022 Tom made a motion and Dave seconded to liquety CD or borrow from savings...
Providing a well-maintained community with sound fiscal management and open communications.
Resolution by Board to liquefy CDs or borrow from savings at Meadows Bank to pay for water project – 11/14/2022 Tom made a motion and Dave seconded to liquety CD or borrow from savings...
The City has issued the following notice regarding paving of Kansas Ave. They have notified us that residents of BOTH Kansas Ave. and Iowa Street should park any vehicle they may need to use...
Hello homeowners, Work is currently underway by Luck Builders, Inc., under contract with the HOA, to replace the water lines in the three cul de sacs of Baltimore, Alana and Caitlin Ways. Nearby homes...
Resolution by Board to award the Water Line Replacement Contract for Alana, Caitlin and Baltimore to Luck Brothers – 9/12/2022 Signed resolution attached to meeting min
Resolution by Board to request copy of easement – 7/11/2022 Motion by Tom that we continue to request that Tom Murnane obtain a copy of the existing easement from the city, that they are...
Resolution by Board to approve easement for city to run water line – 7/11/2022 Motion by Tom to approve easement for city to run water line from Maryland Rd to US 9. Board agreed...
Resolution by Board to reimburse homeowner for sewer line issue – 6/13/2022 Tom made motion to reimburse Homeowner, at 7 Maine, the sum of $429.84 for sewer line that was jetted out in October...
Resolution to approve payment for office supplies, Accounting prep and homeowners’ repairs – 2/14/2022 Motion by Tom to reimburse bookkeeper, $97.18 for office supplies and ink and seconded by R. Deragon and $2,000 to...
TIME TO SHUT OFF WATER TO OUTSIDE FAUCETS! Greetings, LCV homeowners! Well the days are growing shorter, and colder… we are already experiencing frost, and soon we will have days and nights that are...
Resolution by Board to pay for electrical services for kiosks – 6/7/21 Invoice approval: Motion by Tom to pay the 2 invoices for the electrical services for the Kiosks on Maine and Iowa for...