Meter module contract – 7/15/19
Resolution by Board meter module contract to KAR – 7/15/19 Tom made a motion to award KAR CONSTRUCTION the contract for another 30 electric meter modules. Contract was no bid due to KAR being...
Providing a well-maintained community with sound fiscal management and open communications.
Resolution by Board meter module contract to KAR – 7/15/19 Tom made a motion to award KAR CONSTRUCTION the contract for another 30 electric meter modules. Contract was no bid due to KAR being...
Resolution by Board to award pump station contract to Bob’s Instant Plumbing – 5/28/19 Motion by Tom, seconded by Randy, to award the Baltimore Pump Station contract to Bob’s Instant Plumbing, for servicing four...
Resolution by Board to renew Toilet Rebate program – 5/14/19 Tom made a motion, Chris seconded, to renew the Toilet Rebate Program for another year. All voted in favor.
Resolution by Board to amend motion to include adequate money is necessary for approval – 4/19/19 Amended Motion: Tom made a motion to amend the November 13, 2018 motion, authorizing Curtis to approve emergency...
Resolution by Board to approve payment to KAR Electric for full amount of contract – 4/16/19 Tom made a motion to pay KAR Electric the full amount of his contract and not hold the...
Resolution by Board to approve payment for sewer back ups – 3/5/19 Curtis reported he had three bills from Roto Rooter for sewer backups. After discussion, the board decided they were responsible for payment....
Resolution by Board to pay contractor for plugged line – 2/5/19 27 Maine – Board discussed who was responsible for $680.00 bill due to plugged line. This is the 3rd bill is a very...
Resolution by Board to approve payment to Bobs Instant Plumbing Services – 12/4/18 Motion by Tom to pay Bob’s Instant Plumbing $365 for work done at 27 Maine on November 9. Don seconded the...
Resolution by Board to pay owner for Sewer Repair – 11/13/18 Motion by Tom to approve reimbursement of homeowner at 7 Kentucky for sewer repairs on HOA sewer services in the amounts of $136.97...
Resolution by Board to approve bid from KAR Electrical – 11/13/18 Seven bid packages were sent and one bid was received. Tom made a motion to award the contract to KAR Electrical in the...