Placard Contract – 3/20/18
Resolution by Board to accept Placard Contract – 3/20/18 Discussion to accept contract as written or delete the Extra Work clause which authorizes the contractor, when requested by a homeowner, to replace or re-install...
Providing a well-maintained community with sound fiscal management and open communications.
Resolution by Board to accept Placard Contract – 3/20/18 Discussion to accept contract as written or delete the Extra Work clause which authorizes the contractor, when requested by a homeowner, to replace or re-install...
Resolution by Board regarding eligibility for Toilet Rebate – 3/20/18 Toilet Rebate: Motion, if a toilet that qualifies is still on the premises and the homeowner can produce a receipt for the new toilet...
Resolution by Board to deny acceptance of easement for the storm drain – 3/6/18 Peter introduced Gary Favro, attorney for KLM Development L.L.C., who explained the benefits and need for the HOA to take...
Resolution by Board to pay homeowner for Sewer back up – 2/20/18 Motion by Linda and seconded by Randy to pay homeowner at 65 Maine, $255.40 due to sewer backups outside unit. All in...
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Resolution by Board to approve Catch Basin installation expense – 1/23/18 Tom received an email from Aaron Ovios of RMS regarding the additional catch basin to be installed on Maryland by Garrows advising the...
Resolution of the Board at the 12/19/2017 meeting. Motion by Don and seconded by Linda to reimburse Carl Joseph Tacy for plumbing bill from August 21, 2017 of $161.73 for sink drain resulting from...
Resolutions of the Board at the 12/19/2017 meeting. Tom shared a handout of a toolbox, available at Lowes, for the ballots. Motion by Linda and seconded by Tom to purchase toolbox and lock but...
Resolution of the Board at the 12/5/2017 meeting. Toilet Rebate Program which will offer homeowner a $100 for replacing a high volume flush toilets with water conservers. Linda made a motion, seconded by Tom...
Resolutions of the Board at the 12/5/2017 meeting. A motion by Linda and seconded by Don to authorize $250.00 to cover expenses for the newsletter. Approved 4-0. Motion by Patty, seconded by Linda to...