
LCV Residents are encouraged to voice their thoughts and share their knowledge on one of our HOA committees.  Most committees meet monthly, though some on a more occasional basis.

Architectural Review


  • Review which roofs need to be repaired/replaced. Review Roofing Contract for changes and make recommendations to the board.
  • Review any Building maintenance Contracts (if separate) for changes and make recommendations to the board.
  • Assist in preparing request for price quotes from roofing/building maintenance contractors when needed.
  • Assist in making recommendations to the board on the yearly HOA budget.
  • Work with the maintenance contractor in the repair or replacement of the fences.


Compliance and Review (On an as needed basis)

  • Review the current declaration and HOA by-laws to see if changes need to be made.
  • Prepare list and provide them to the HOA lawyer and the board for potential updating.
  • Work with the board on any new resolutions that need to be made to the HOA rules and regulations.
  • Review the current work orders list and work with the other committees to ensure that work being completed by the HOA is following what is stated in the prospectuses, declaration, rules and regulations and the HOA resolutions.


  • Poll homeowners for new board candidates as necessary.  Prepare and submit posters, articles and other promotional materials for emails and physical and website postings.
  • Set up and run the election of new board members in accordance with the current election policy.
  • Work with the board on polling homeowners for volunteering to work on all the HOA committees as necessary


  • Work with other committees and the board in the preparation of the yearly budget.
  • Research and recommend an accounting firm to prepare tax returns and perform the yearly HOA audit/review.
  • Work with the bookkeeper and Treasurer to provide necessary information to the accounting firm.
  • Create a 3 to 5 year outlook plan of expenses for the board to look for opportunities for potential savings so that the homeowner community will be better prepared.

Insurance (On an as needed basis)

  • Review the LCV-HOA insurance policies and coverage.
  • Research other companies/agents for competitive prices. Make recommendations to the board.
  • Work with the HOA lawyer as necessary to ensure that claims are received/paid in a reasonable period of time.


  • Review landscaping on the common area of LCV.  Recommend changes which improve the visual appeal of the community.  Assist in making improvements.
  • Maintain the LCV signs, planter and flagpole areas including flowers, plantings, signs and flags
  • Maintain the interior of the kiosks with regard to lighting, tidiness, etc.  
  • Work with the Social Committee on holiday decorations
  • Work with homeowners to remove/relocate unwanted plants and shrubs.
  • Make recommendations for needed funds for the yearly budget including long-range improvements to the common area and kiosks.
  • Raise funds by through donations, yard sales, etc. to supplement committee activities.

Property Manager (On an as needed basis)

  • Communicate periodically with the property manager about any concerns they may have with the HOA.  Work with the PM to resolve.
  • Review the current LCV-HOA Property Manager contract and make recommendations for any needed revisions.  Provide same to the HOA board.
  • Assist in creating a request for price quote for the property manager position prior to the current contract expiring.
  • Prepare proposals to potential new property managers.  Review responses, interview potential candidates and make recommendations to the board.

Snow Response (On an as needed basis)

  • Review existing snow removal contract; make recommendations for changes to specifications.
  • Investigate possibility of splitting the Village into multiple areas for snow removal contract purposes.
  • Brainstorm and evaluate changes to rules or regulations that would help snow removal efforts and make recommendations to the Board.
  • Examine communication possibilities to keep homeowners better informed of snow removal efforts and progress.
  • Review and evaluate communications received from homeowners concerning snow response.


  • Review the water/sewer usage and expenses. Recommend monthly allotment to the finance committee for the yearly budget.
  • Recommend a long-range plan including funding requirements for installation, maintenance or replacement of water, sewer and drainage infrastructure that are the responsibility of the HOA.
  • Work with the City on matters pertaining to water, sewer and drainage issues as they affect LCV.
  • Investigate additional ways to help homeowners reduce water/sewer usage and/or lower LCV costs.
  • Work with the Property Manager to identify and contact homeowners that have excess water use as determined by any current policy of the Board.  Assist Property Manager with resolution if needed.
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