The following are the current members of the various LCV committees. We hope you will consider helping your neighbors and the board by volunteering to serve in one of these important groups. Please see the Committees page for a description of the duties of each committee. Thanks!
Chairperson of the committee is responsible for committee meetings, reporting to the board, including disposition of work requests and committee requests for funds, and maintaining a current list of members. Board Liaison is responsible for bringing board concerns to the committee and, in the absence of the chairperson, to report committee activities to the board.
Architectural Review
- ? – Chair
- Rachelle Armstrong
- Susannah Burgess
- Kristin Collins
- Susan Phillips
- Carol Shuttleworth
- Cynthia Romano
Building – (
- ? – Chair
- Don Cosgro
- Ron Deragon
- Bob Hofer
- Sue Phillips
- Gerry Eagan
Communications – (
- ?? – Chair
- Gerry Eagan
- Wanda Flynn
- Judy Barcomb
- Dale Holzer (Board Liaison)
Compliance and Review – (
- ?? – Chair
- Gerry Eagan
- Tom Maglienti
- Don Cosgro
- Kris Lutters
Elections – (
- Gerry and Sharon Eagan – Co-Chairs
- Carol Shuttleworth
- Tom Maglienti
Landscape – (
- Rachelle Armstrong – Chair
- Carol Shuttleworth
- Kristine Lutters
- Kristin Collins
- Susannah Burgess
- Cynthia Romano
- Anne Bailey
- Nina Carver
Budget and Planning – (
- Jody Erickson – Chair
- Tammy Kelsey-Favro (Board Liaison)
- Gerry Eagan
- Tom Maglienti
Utilities – (
- ??- Chair
- Tom Maglienti
- Mary Centofanti
- Don Cosgro
IT (Information Technology) Committee – (
- ??- Chair
- Dale Holzer
- Tom Maglienti
- Judy Barcomb
At present the following committees have no members. Want to help? How about volunteering for one of these!
Snow Response
Property Manager